Events, Meetups, and Good Times!
Here's my list of FPV Events, so we can have a list where they are all listed, so if you're throwing a meetup and you want people to come, let me know and I'll put it on this Events Page!
Grill and Chill By East Bay FPV
Sloss Drone Derby April 12+13, Birmingham, AL $50 for 2 days of rippage, Tix for $50, $35 for camping!
Fly Tribe is doing a massive series of freestyle contests this summer, 5 qualifying rounds and the finals at the NWFPark in Oregon. top 2 positions from each qualifier win plane tix a room to travel to the NWFPark to compete in the finals, top 3 positions at the finals take $15,000 in cash prizes! Never seen an FPV Freestyle contest like this, find the qualifier closest to you so you can check it out! Here's the details on how the contest works.
Fly Tribe Freeestyle Constest at Sloss, Sign up for the contest here $50, get your pass to the event here.
Quadro de Mayo May 4th, Napa, CA $23
Beast of the East - NY! Sunday Jun 7th and 8th in Brentwood Deets coming soon - Free
West Coast Throwdown Jun 26-29th, Roseburg, OR $175 Tix + $35 camping
Rumble in the Jungle REVIVED - Sun Jul 13th Hillsboro County - Deets coming soon
Beast of the East 2 - Ohio Aug 2-3rd, Cleveland - Deets coming soon
(old flyer)
Ken Heron's Mindfield, Brownsville, TN. Dates TBD, Probably Aug 22-23 FREE
Castle Crash 4 - Quad-Topia Aug 29-Sept 1st 2025 in South Carolina - Tickets on sale now, $75 or less than half price for volunteers
BotGrinder Meetup - TBD - FREE
Birmingham BandHoes - Meetups Most Weekends, all over the Dirty South, focused in Alabama - FREE - Reach out on Instagram @FlyHighFPV and I'll add you to my group @FlyHighFPV